Monday, June 15, 2009

The DOTCOM REEL ACTION Film Project - Identifying Your Top 3 Themes

Media-I'm very interested in media. And I learn the changes of media. And thats why I chosed the media. I think that it'll be very interesting!

Peace/War/Conflict-Sometimes when I see people's suffering in the wars I regret very much. I think that it'll be very interesting too!

Food/Agriculture-I think that this topic is very close to the war topic. In wars a lot of people die because of products. And that's why I chosed this topic.


  1. Hi Novruz.
    You chose very interesting subjects.I would like to make film in this themes too.

  2. Hi Novruz,

    Thanks for posting your top three themes here!

    We are creating our REEL ACTION groups early next week, and then we'll let you know who is in your group.


    Dr. W
